
Naval Aviation has a strong connection with Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads. We’re proud to be a part of the naval history created here. The Hampton Roads Squadron of the Association of Naval Aviation welcomes you to explore this ANA website for current and historical information, to learn about upcoming events and membership opportunities.

Disclaimer: The HRANA Squadron is a non-profit organization and does not endorse any political candidate.

News Updated: 08/02/2022

Bulletin Board Updated: 05/31/2022

Board of Directors Meeting:  1600, 13 July 2022
Where: NAS Oceana ‘O’ Club

The May 2022 Board of Directors meeting minutes are now posted: Click Here

Virtual TourLive Webcam

We salute the proud heritage of Naval Aviation that has had many of its beginnings in Hampton Roads. Since 1910, many men and women have trained here, manning aircraft carriers, planes, ships and subs. Don't miss this beautiful Navy memorial on the Virginia Beach oceanfront boardwalk, honoring the airmen and women who help defend our country and protect all Americans.

Fund Raising Appeal

Your contributions will help support the maintenance of the Naval Aviation Monument. Special sponsorship opportunities are available which will be recognized with engraved memorial inscriptions at the Third Donor Wall.
For more information: Click Here

Military Affects All

Visit Admiral Metz's blog on the military issues affecting us all.

Of Interest Updated: 03/16/2015

Navy News – Daily News updates
U.S. department of defense – today in dod
Department of defense – News Releases
NAS Oceana
Status of Navy
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic

Events Updated: 07/06/2022


NAS Oceana Airshow

When: September 16-18, 2022

Articles Updated: 06/23/2022


Three takeaways from the US Navy’s first F-35C deployment: Click Here

America’s Active Aircraft Carriers: Click Here

Why the U.S. Needs Aircraft Carriers

Our Nation’s Carrier Air Wings

Maritime Patrol and Helicopters
